Tuesday 17 September 2013


“I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

The quote above was taken from the fantastic film, "The Great Gatsby". From the glitz and glamour of the gorgeous little dresses, to the deep heart-ache among these iconic woman.
          On today's shoot, I was continuing my journey of assistance, and I was really fortunate to be working alongside the VERY talented, Hilde once again. She contacted me and asked if I would like to assist her at her shoot, and of course, I was excited to! Not only did I have the honor to work alongside Hilde once more, but I was also working alongside one of the top five photographers in the world!! Manuel Libres Librodo is an incredible photographer who uses only natural lighting, his work is astonishing and his page has had over 26 million views! You can visit his work at; http://www.pbase.com/manny_librodo. 

The "Great Gatsby" was first written and set in 1925. The overall look of this era resembled the 'flapper girl'. The girls skin was very fair (no one had a tan!), eyes were smokey and made to look deep set; the eyebrows also curved around the socket and finished on the temples of the face. (otherwise known as sad eyebrows!) Lips were made to look full and in particular, heart-shaped!

Our location of the shoot today was set in an old antique storehouse in Bangkok, Lad Phrao, soi 55/2; Papaya. Even the location itself was enchanting and mesmerizing! I have never seen so many beautiful, quirky, unique and old items under one roof! Here is a few sneaky pictures of the location;

Finally, here are some photo's that I took on set whilst they were shooting :) I really hope you have enjoyed my post; if you have any questions please comment me. Also feel free to follow/share/ like <3 Spread the love! 

Cocktail Girl; 



Thankyou, and have a great week! 

Sunday 15 September 2013

Makeup can be magical....

As soon as I was given this opportunity, I jumped to grab it the second I was offered it! Today's opportunity was to work with an amazingly, talented makeup artist/designer/hairdresser, Hilde and a very skillful and passionate photographer, Joseph. Although I did not have hands on experience, working along side these people really encourage my creativity to really evolve; to go beyond my imagination. Hilde created everything for the shoot, from the dress, to the headpiece, makeup and hair; an incredible woman and I was truly inspired! Joseph was the creative photographer who took incredible shots of the beautiful model, Chanok.
           Working alongside Hilde and watching her unique techniques, really taught me a lot about being confident with your own work, even though the design and look is out of the ordinary, have faith in yourself that it will look incredible (and like hers, it truly did!).

Here are a few shots that I took on set of the beautiful Chanok, a model that graced the pages of Thailand's Vogue more than a handful of times! I hope you enjoy....


Gaining experience in the field

Gaining experience is crucial for upcoming MUA's in this very busy industry therefore, I decided to throw myself into it!! This week, I was very lucky to have the opportunity to work with 4 of Thailand's most skilled makeup artists and photographers.
         My first day as an assisting MUA was very exciting. I had no idea where I would be working and who I would be working with, all I knew was that I would be working for a Swiss TV show. On arrival, I met the amazing David and Natalie, who informed me that I would be doing makeup for the Swiss version of "The Batchelor". I was so excited!! Working with all of the beautiful contestants, made my job very easy! They all had gorgeous sun kissed skin, and a natural bronzed complexion which is always easy to enhance with barely any base products at all.
          During the day, I found that I was amongst all of the back stage gossip which further added to the thrill of the day. All of the girls who we made up were extremely happy with the results, and went on to get ready for their night of dining with "the Batchelor" and a full night of shooting!! Sadly, I never did get to see the mysterious 'Batchelor' however I am hoping that I will be able to catch a glimpse of him on the series!(Apparently his is a Brad Pritt lookalike!!)

Unfortunately my camera did not do any justice for the above photo as it was already night and there was really poor lighting. However, she looked absolutely beautiful. Both of the girls wanted a dramatic smoky eye and fuller brows, with bronzed skin and a neutral/nude lip.

Here is a few of the products I used on both of these beautiful girls....

Makeup Store Cover All Mix Concealer
Makeup Store Micronized Compact Powder- Translucent 
Revlon Photo-Ready Foundation- 005 Natural Beige (Buy Here)
MAC- Mineralized Skin-Finish Natural Bronzer- Medium Deep (Buy here)

Makeup Store Blush- Cherry Blossom
Natural Collection Blush- Sweet Cheeks
ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzer (Buy here)
Sleek Makeup, 3 Blush- Lace Palette (Buy here)

Original Naked Palette (Buy here)
NYX- 112 Colour Eyeshadow Palette
Makeup Store Multi-lash Black Mascara (non-waterproof)

KMA Cosmetics Professional Lip Palette
Makeup Store Sheer Lipstick- Breathless
Natural Collection Moisture Shine Lipstick- Pink Mallow
Makeup Store Lip Liner- Natural

Mixing of pinks and brown lipsticks help create that perfect nude lip colour!

Hope you have a lovely day! Thankyou for reading 

Saturday 14 September 2013

Welcome to the world of being an MUA

Let me introduce myself.....

Name: Katie Louise Mills
Age: 22
Birthday: 1st February 1991
From: England
Currently living: Bangkok, Thailand

My name is Katie Louise Mills, and I am originally from the England! My birthday is the 1st of February 1991, which makes me 22 years old.

So, why do I now live in Bangkok, Thailand?

Good question! I have been with my boyfriend for over 3 years now, and when I met him he was living in Bangkok playing professional football and I was studying in Cardiff, Wales for my degree. (This is another long story that for now, I shall skip!!!) After graduating from University, I decided to move in with my boyfriend and create a new life for myself on the opposite side of the world!! When I was leaving home I was very nervous and anxious, yet also incredibly excited! The weather is much warmer, no more need for my little bottle of sunshine that I oh so, relied on in the UK (fake tan!) , and I would be experiencing a whole new culture and lifestyle.

How long have you been living in Bangkok and, what do you do?

I have been living in Bangkok for just a year now and whilst I have been here, I have been teaching in both a International school and a language school. Although I never saw myself as a 'teacher' I took on the job purely for financial reasons, yet a huge part of me knew that it really wasn't for me.

Make-up artistry?

One day whilst getting ready for a night out, it dawned on me! Why didn't I look for possible make-up artistry classes in Bangkok? I have always had a passion for make-up  fashion and "the latest look". I have been wearing, playing and buying make-up since my early teens and love to doll up and make myself feel better! As I got older my friends started to ask me to do their make-up for events or nights out and this is where I fell in love with make-up; making people feel good about themselves gave me a great feeling of satisfaction!

Therefore, all of this has led me to where I am today! I have recently graduated as a professional freelance MUA in Bangkok after studying at Bangkok's International Makeup Centre (IMC). 

A little about IMC & the beauty course I took

The particular class that I decided to take was a part-time, 13 week course (200 hours) in beauty makeup. However, there are other courses and selections of starting dates/ part time or full time attendance  After waiting patiently for a month and half for the course to start, my first day arrived and I was oh so excited! Walking into the classroom I was greeted by friendly faces who were also joining the same journey that I was beginning to take. These people over the 13 weeks that I attended at IMC grew into great friends, people that I will never forget.  and hope to collaborate with in the near future. 
               On the first day of the course, we were presented with the schedule of what we would be learning over the period of the course. Scanning eagerly over the schedule, my eyes were drawn to classes such as bridal makeup, fashion makeup, commercial makeup, drag makeup and so many many more! Makeup ideas were already beginning to come together and I was itching to start looking for inspiration! 

The way the programme and course had been organised meant that learning was instant, theory and practicals were done on our very second day. The first few weeks of the course was spent being introduced to our makeup kit (prepaid), being introduced to different kinds of foundation bases and, recognising face shapes and learning how to correct them. We also learnt how to correct different eye and lip shapes to create the 'ideal' canvas. The theory side during these first few weeks taught us about the skin, the different layers and the way we can care for it and prep it before makeup application. We also looked at 'the spectrum of light' and the way lighting can directly effect makeup looks. 
         As the classes started to flow day by day, week by week I could see my work and my skill really developing. Half way into our course, we were given quite a task that would really test our makeup skills. July 23rd- 25th, we were brought to help do makeup for Hair World Magazine's, 3-day fashion show, in Siam Paragon. I have never felt so many 'butterflies' in my stomach as much as I did the first day of placement! Nervous shakes and sweats were beginning to take over, but as soon as the models entered the room there was no time for nervousness! As the day went on, the anxiety was very quickly replaced by confidence and enjoyment and I found myself really loving the atmosphere backstage, seeing the bare-faced models turn into catwalk goddesses!!                          
             After being thrown in the deep end, working at the fashion show it appeared that the experience in fact had a good effect upon the majority of us in the class. We were more daring and creative with our makeup practicals, more confident with our decisions and our passion for our love for makeup was ever growing! 
The thirteen week course was rapidly coming to an end, and gracing us was our final examinations (4 practicals, and 1 theory exam). Putting together all that we had learnt during our time at IMC, we finally passed and received our well deserved diplomas!!!



Here are a few instagram video's of our classes and creations! Dont forget to give me a follow
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Thankyou! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!! <3
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MissKatieeLou
Instagram: http://instagram.com/mskatieelou

   "I will not stop until I can say I made it"